What is your Short Game Score?
At Belmont Country Club we have one of the best short game practice facilities in the country.
While here for your lesson, put your short game to the TEST.
The Shots:
I have identified the most standard short game shots around our short game area and created a scorecard. There are several levels to the shots. As you climb through the different levels, the shots will of course become more and more demanding.
The “game” is simple. Go to the predetermined spots around the short game area and hit 2 shots from each position (the map indicates from where to play and to which hole to play).
Scoring is simple. The flagsticks will be used to measure your shots. They are roughly 7.5 feet tall. There is a red tape wrapped around the middle of each stick. If your ball is within the tape, it is roughly 3.5 feet from the hole. That will score you 4 pts. If it is within the flagstick, it is about 7 ft from the hole. That will score you 2 points. Outside of the flagstick counts 0 points. As an added bonus, chip it in and get 6 pts.
Chip in: 6 pts.
Within 3.5 ft = 4 pts.
Within 7 ft = 2 pts.
The Scorecard:
Fill out the scorecard and add up the total. It’s as simple as that. Play as many times as you can and track your progress. Keep in mind that they do change the hole locations slightly so the contest will always be slightly different.